

I. Introduction
II. Paula Bickle and her teachings
    B. Ray’s Report
    C. Stevens-Johnson Syndrome
    D. DMSA
    E. Her concerns for safety
     1. FDA Inspection Report
       2. FDA Warning Letter to Heyltex
       3. Oregon Board of Medical Examiners
III. Warren Levin, M.D.

I. Introduction

Most health care practitioners who are using DMPS learn about it from either Dietrich Klinghardt, M.D., or Paula Bickle, Ph. D.  Both of these individuals speak to groups of practitioners, explaining their protocols, and teaching their audiences to use DMPS.   It is my opinion that neither of these individuals knows enough about DMPS to be using it or teaching anyone else to use it.  They are, in my view, encouraging physicians to practice far beyond their expertise.  While I have concerns about the teachings of Dr. Klinghardt, I would like to address the assertions and teachings of Dr. Bickle directly.

II. Paula Bickle and her teachings

Paula Bickle is not a physician.  My understanding is that she has a doctorate in nutrition.  Paula Bickle claims to have conducted FDA monitored clinical trials of DMPS, and boasts that she achieved “allowability” status for DMPS by means of these trials.  She claims to be an expert in the use of DMPS.

She spoke to physicians at an ACAM (American College for the Advancement of Medicine) conference in Dallas, Texas in May of 2000.   (The full text of this lecture can be obtained on audio tape from Professional Audio Recording in LaVerne, California.)  In that lecture, Dr. Bickle makes several claims with which I take issue.


In reference to this website, Dr. Bickle states, “I have investigated every single one of those patient reports on that website … I have gone back and investigated the cases and found them to either be done over in Europe, specifically in Finland, or who were treated by a physician who was not following the protocol, did absolutely no laboratory, and overdosed the patients, or who were using a very impure form of DMPS.”

Let me state categorically, that Dr. Bickle has NOT investigated the patient reports on this website.  In order to do that, she would have had to have contacted me to learn the names of the patients, the names of their doctors, and how to reach them.  Dr. Bickle has never contacted me.  It is disturbing when a researcher makes such disingenuous claims.  It is even more disturbing to think that health care practitioners may rely on such assertions in prescribing health care for their patients.

B. Ray’s Report

The one backfire that Dr. Bickle speaks to specifically is that of “Ray Sool (sic)”.  She is speaking of Ray Saarela, who has been outspoken about the dangers of DMPS for several years.  (See Ray’s Report.)  Dr. Bickle claims that Ray backfired from 500mg of Unithiol.  (Unithiol is the Russian predecessor of DMPS.  Dr. Bickle further claims that Unithiol is dangerous because it is preserved with thimerasol and formaldehyde.)  Her facts about Ray’s experience are incorrect.   Ray backfired from 300mg of DMPS, not 500mg of Unithiol.

C. Stevens-Johnson Syndrome

Dr. Bickle states that a medical condition attributed to DMPS “was mistaken for Stevens-Johnson Syndrome which never happened – I investigated it. It was actually a mercury rash.”

There is only one report in the literature today of a DMPS-induced case of Stevens-Johnson Syndrome.  It is from researcher Julian Chisholm, PhD.  He documented this in J Toxicol Clin Toxicol, 1992, 30:4, 493-504.   After hearing Dr. Bickle’s claim, I called Dr. Chisholm.  He told me that he had never heard of Dr. Bickle, nor had he ever been contacted by her or by anyone on her behalf.  He told me that he has no reason to believe that what he observed was merely a “mercury rash”, and called such a notion “nonsense”.  No competent researcher could mistake Stevens-Johnson Syndrome for a mercury rash.  In addition, we now know from the reports from Canadian toxicologists, that DMPS can indeed induce Stevens-Johnson Syndrome, and did so in 2 out of 33 patients treated with oral DMPS.  (See Q’s Report.)


Dr. Bickle told her audience that DMSA is unsafe because it crosses the blood brain barrier.  Several chemists have told me (and Dr. Klinghardt even agrees) that it does not.  I have to wonder if her advocacy of DMPS rather than DMSA is based on sound medical practice, or financial interests.  An announcement appeared last year in Alternative Medicine Magazine that Dr. Bickle had started her own company to sell and distribute DMPS.

E. Her concerns for safety

Paula Bickle further states “There were no adverse effects in the entirety of my Phase III protocol.  Underline:  no adverse effects in the entirety of the Phase III as long as the doctors ran the protocol.”   She later claimed that “safety is on my brain” and “I’m paranoid for safety every time we give DMPS”.

“M” was one of Dr. Bickle’s patients at Cascade.  (See “M’s Report”.)  His experience and the following documents on this page speak to Dr. Bickle’s concerns for patient safety.

1. FDA Inspection Report

This is a public document obtainable from the FDA.  It speaks for itself.

2. FDA Warning Letter to Heyltex

Heyl, a pharmaceutical company from Berlin, is the manufacturer of DMPS.  Their subsidiary, Heyltex, is located in Dallas, Texas.  My understanding is that they originally sponsored Paula Bickle’s “clinical trials”, but later withdrew.  The following is a disciplinary letter from the FDA to Heyltex  

3. Oregon Board of Medical Examiners

The Oregon Board of Medical Examiners has disciplined Paula Bickle for practicing medicine without a license.  This determination was made based upon the affidavits of four physicians, a nurse and a physician’s assistant, all of whom worked with Dr. Bickle at the Cascade Health Group in Portland.  (These are public documents, and can be obtained from the Multnomah County authorities in Salem.) She was later disciplined a second time for violating the conditions of the first decree.

While all of the affidavits are disturbing, one in particular is notable.  It is from an individual who is a Physician’s Technician and Registered Medical Assistant.  This is a portion of her statement:

“Paula secured the position of Principal Investigator for the study and I was contracted to the drug manufacturer, Heyltex as the Safety Monitor. …  In July of 1997, I was in Portland and for the first time had the opportunity to observe how Paula Bickle conducted business at Cascade Health Group.  Over a 5 day period I observed practices that were totally unacceptable and that were rejected by her medical director at that time.

As a result of my observations, my personal and professional ethics drew me to the conclusion that this study could not go forward with Paula Bickle as Principal Investigator.  My primary responsibility as Monitor is to insure that the protocol is followed and that patient safety and good clinical practices are adhered to and followed to the letter and to report infractions when patient safety is disregarded.  My report to Heyltex on Paula’s practices and her direct disregard of the protocol and patient safety led to her being dismissed as the Principal Investigator of this project.  Through my association with the Bickles it became increasingly clear that they would take a little truth and wrap it around a lot of untruths while making everything sound believable.  This became crystal clear to me during the week I spent in the clinic and questioned various practices and attempted to verify information that I had been previously given.  I believe a large part of their motivation is financial in nature with little regard to true quality medical care for individuals or research.

Also of great concern to me is that she is not just impacting patient safety in the Portland community.  She conducts training seminars for physicians, dentists and paraprofessionals from all over the U.S. and foreign countries.  Some of what she teaches and at least one medical treatment included in the training (at the seminars I attended) to professionals is inaccurate and has the potential for harming the patients of these doctors.  This would probably never be traced back to her.  She is using reputable professional organizations to gain access to these professionals – that is why they believe she is credible – just like I did in the beginning.”

III. Warren Levin, M.D.

Warren Levin, M.D., was listed as one of the physicians participating in Paula Bickle’s clinical trials.   He is also an advocate of the use of DMPS for chronic mercury poisoning.

Dr. Levin spoke at a conference I attended.  He was advocating the use of DMPS.  During the question and answer period, I took the microphone and told Dr. Levin and the audience of my devastating experience with DMPS.  He stated to me, and the audience, that he had never heard of such a reaction to DMPS.

Some months later, a patient provided me with a copy of a letter Dr. Levin had written on his behalf several years earlier.  This patient had become permanently disabled from a single injection of DMPS, and Dr. Levin had written a letter in support of his request for disability benefits.  (Dr. Levin was not the physician who had treated this patient with DMPS.)   In that letter, Dr. Levin spoke to the terrible adverse effects suffered by this patient, and with regard to them, coined the term “backfire”.

It is my understanding that the clinical trials of DMPS never got off the ground.  Yet Dr. Levin has information on the internet which would imply otherwise.

He claims that there is an “approved investigational protocol underway”.  He further claims that the protocol has “IRB approval”.  But in order for there to be IRB (Institutional Review Board) oversight or “approval”, there has to be a study or a clinical trial going on.  Dr. Levin also says that this investigation involves the study of 2500 patients over five years, each patient’s case involving “extensive documentation”.  In reality, no such study exists.

A January 2001 addendum to his web page states:  “I am delighted to report that the FDA, based largely on the results of the above study, has approved DMPS for use as a treatment for the removal of mercury!  It can currently be obtained from compounding pharmacists for use by any physician!!”

This statement is untrue.  The FDA has NOT approved DMPS.  And “the above study” is a fiction.   It may be true that physicians can obtain DMPS from compounding pharmacies, but that does not mean that pharmacies are compounding this drug legally, or that physicians are using it legally.  They are not.

Dr. Levin’s internet information is both inaccurate and misleading.  I have serious concerns that patients may rely on this information in making decisions about the use of this drug. is optimized for Microsoft Internet Explorer in 800x600 resolution Please read our privacy, terms, and conditions agreement
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